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Dolphins 2020-2021

That is the end of the academic year. have been amazing. Through all the changes you have had to face, you have kept on going and have finished the year amazingly. What a journey it has been. Year 1s, well done, and I am lucky I get to teach you again in year 2. Year 2 children, we have had an amazing journey over the last 2 years, and I look at you now and I am filled with such pride. Proud at who you have all become. Your new schools are so lucky to have you and I wish you all the best!


Our amazing year 2 Dolphins! All the best at your new schools. We are so proud!

Dolphins Talent Show 2021

Wow you are super talented! We have loved having you in our school - Have a great summer x x

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Year 2 Leavers Singing 2021

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ILearn Presentation Transition yr1 to yr2

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ILearn Year 2 3

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Reading at Eling - please read.

Summer 2 - Knowledge organiser - Fairytale castle twisted tales

Summer 2 curriculum newsletter- fairytale-castle-twisted tales

That is the end of the half term. This is our first full half term in a long time and the children have been amazing. I love this topic because the children reflect on what is going wrong in our world and are then inspired to make a difference. Plastic pollution and the bee population declining is a serious problem and the class have wanted to help change this. We now have one half term left. The curriculum leafleat and knowledge organiser are above, so please have a read and talk to your children about the keywords and what they mean.  We hope you all have a great half term. Don't forget that the first day back is a dress up day. An email has been sent out about what to wear. See you in June!

What a great way to end our topic, 'Wonderful World'. We started the day having a chat from Helen about swifts, and how they migrate from Africa. We also had Caroline in, who spoke about our concerns for our local area. She also taught us how to make 'seed bombs', which will help the bees in our local area. The class have been brilliant this half term and so inspired to make the world a better place. We then finished the day by reusing objects to create new ones. are amazing!

DOLPHINS....WE HAVE A PROBLEM! We went for a walk around our beautiful area and found some things that caused us to be concerned...RUBBISH! We will now need to write a letter to our local council discussing what we have seen today.

World maths day: We had a great day enjoying maths, maths and more maths. The children looked fantastic in their maths outfits! Thank you all for your donations. WE LOVE MATHS!!!!

Summer 1 - Wonderful World curriculum leaflet.

Summer 1 - Wonderful World Knowledge Organiser

Dolphins, I am so proud of you. This term has been very, very different. I haven't seen you guys for most of this term and half of this half term. You have had to move onto online learning and did so amazingly. In one of the toughest times, you guys were so resilient. I hope you all have a brilliant time over Easter. Please try to keep on reading daily on Bug Club and listen to those bedtime stories. I am looking forward to getting back to school and carrying on your learning journeys!

I Learn Maths spring 2 2021 KS1

Find out more about supporting you child with maths

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WORLD BOOK DAY TAKE 2! We have had a fantastic day hearing stories and creating their own story telling kits. They have a book voucher which they can exchange for a book in certain stores. Please share stories at home as much as possible!

ILearn Spring 1 spelling KS1

Find out about the expectations for spellings

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Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser - Frozen Planet.

Spring 1 curriculum leaflet - Frozen Planet.

I just would like to say how proud I am of the Dolphin class. This year will be a year that we will never forget and the children have gone through so much throughout 2020. However, they have been such brilliant learners through both half terms and have all made such amazing progress as learners. I hope you all have an amazing Christmas and a happy New Year. Thank you parents and carers for your continued support this year. I look forward to seeing the class back in school on Monday 4th January.

The Dolphins Christmas Story

The Dolphins class retell the nativity

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We are really proud of our children. We have been learning about Remembrance and the importance of remembering. We stood perfectly for the two minute silence. Thank you for all the donations we have received for the poppy appeal through the Royal British Legion.

Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser: Amazing Animals.

Autumn 2 curriculum leaflet: Amazing Animals

WHAT A HALF TERM! I first would like to say how proud I am of my class. This has been one crazy year but every child has settled in beautifully and have made huge progress this half term. We have loved our space topic and seeing the class so keen to learn more has been brilliant to see. I hope everyone has a great half term. Above will be the curriculum leaflet and knowledge organiser for our Autumn 2 topic 'Amazing Animals'. Please have a read to see what we have planned next half term.

Mr McElhenny

Dolphins rocket launch

Come and watch our amazing Launch!

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Autumn 1 Space knwoledge organiser.

Autumn 1 Curriculum Newsletter.

Welcome back! It has been great to have a full class back! My name is Mr McElhenny and I am the Dolphin Class teacher. We also have Miss Mole and Mrs Jones who are the class teaching assistants. The children have been amazing, coming in and learning all the new class routines. I have enjoyed getting to know my new class and they have all settled in beautifully. We are going to hold a virtual 'meet the teachers', so next week we will let you know when this is online. This will give you advice about reading, homework and other questions normally asked at this time of the year. If you have any questions before then, we can chat before or after school outside the classroom door. Please have a read of our curriculum leaflet and knowledge organiser, which has been emailed to you, to find out about our new topic next week. I will put them above this paragraph and send them out on paper.

Dolphin class team