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Sports and PE

We love sports at Eling!

Mr Neal will post updates about the sports activities the children have been involved in on this page. Please see the links to the side for activities from past years.

To find out about our PE curriculum please click here.

To find out about sports premium click here.

Please download the breadth map below to see how sports links into our curriculum.

Boys Football 2025

Well done to all the boys involved in today's football festival. It was great to see you playing as a team and encouraging each other. Mr Neal and Mrs Jones were proud of you all. 


Girls Football 2025

The girls had a fantastic morning involved in a variety of skilled football games as well as competing against other teams. Mrs Jones and I were amazed by all of your resilience and bravery today! Well done girls. 


Dodgeball Festival

I was so proud to see how well behaved and how well we performed in this year's Dodgeball Festival. Well done Team Eling!

Agility Festival

We had a wonderful time experiencing some new games at Testwood in this year's Agility Festival. Well done Year 2's!

Girls football

We have welcomed a football coach to deliver girls football at lunchtimes this half term! Well done girls!

Autumn 2 PE 

This half term we have focused on Team Building games! They have thoroughly enjoyed it!

Young Leader Training

Our year 2s have had their young leader training! The children have been taught a variety of games to lead during breaks and lunch to ignite the mini coaches within them! 

Indoor Kurling 2024

Our children had a lovely time representing Eling at our first festival of the academic year. Well done Kurlers! 

Cricket - Autumn 1 

Children here at Eling have had a brilliant start to the year enjoying weekly cricket sessions with coach Ryan from Hampshire Cricket.