Key Stage 1 2024 - 2025
Please see the red banners at the bottom of the page to download the latest curriculum newsletter and knowledge organiser, to keep up to date with what the children are learning in school.
Ilearn Writing
Thanks to the parents that came to the ILearn, those that couldn't make it please see the presentation in the red banner at the bottom of the page.
Hook - Litter Picking
We loved going out and spotting the litter in Eling. We discussed geographical features. Is Eling more human or physical? What could we spot? Did we travel North/South? We will be thinking about how we can look after our Wonderful World over the next few weeks.
World Book Day 2025
We absolutely loved having parents and carers in school for World Book Day to get cosy and read a book with their child. The children were exposed to lots of amazing new texts recommended by our local School Library Service. They enjoyed making lots of fun things and should have taken home a paper bag filled with all the ingredients to make their own story as well as their voucher. Thank you as always for your support in your children's reading journey.
Welcome back
Welcome back to our Spring 2 topic, Wonderful World! The children will be thinking about how we look after our wonderful world. We have been lucky to have Big Mouth Theatre in to do a drama workshop with the children as well as our fantastic dance-a-thon on Friday. Thank you for all your sponsors. Please see the curriculum leaflet and knowledge organiser below for this half-term.
Fire Service
Thanks to Corryn from the fire service for coming in this week and teaching the children how to be aware of fire safety!
Thanks to those parents who came along to the Maths ILEARN session. For those who were unable to make it, please see the Powerpoint presentation which you can download at the bottom of this page. There are also helpful videos on the maths home learning page of our website.
Welcome back to school
Welcome back to 2025! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. The children have been very busy since coming back to school. We have hooked with our new topic all around Frozen Planet. Mr Mcelhenny found some artefacts which we will be exploring over the next few weeks and using to help us be historians! We were also pleased to welcome Treetop Theatres, who did an amazing pantomime with the children based on Treasure Island. Where we have also made our puppets!
Santa and Testwood Baptist Church
Wow, what a brilliant way to end the term. We welcomed Testwood Baptist Church who did an assembly around Christmas following our school Christmas dinner. We also had a class party and we were lucky to have Father Christmas come to town! Thank you for all your help this term and we wish you a Merry Christmas. Please read the curriculum leaflet and knowledge organiser below which has information around our new topic, 'FROZEN PLANET'.
The Garage and The Church
Thank you to Youth Options for allowing our Year 2s to use the garage as a Christmas treat. Thank you to those who came to church on Monday morning. It was a special trip.
Samba Performance
We loved practising our samba this half-term! It was great to see so many parents celebrate their success in music! Remember we have our final trip of the year to the church on Monday!
Praizin' Hands
We welcomed Praizin' Hands puppet show this term to celebrate Christmas! The whole school loved enjoying the story about the nativity. We would also like to thank all the parents and carers who attended our nativity's this half-term. I think you would agree the children were amazing!
Creature Teachers
We welcomed in the Creature Teachers, to launch our topic on Amazing Animals!
Half Term Round Up
That is the end of the first half term. What a long half term it has been, but the children have been amazing! We have loved learning about space and Neil Armstrong. Thank you for all your help with home learning and reading. We hope you all have a lovely half term. Our new topic is AMAZING ANIMALS! Please read the curriculum leaflet and knowledge organiser at the bottom of this page. They will tell you what we are learning in each subject and key vocabulary (knowledge organiser). Please read them to see how you can help at home and what to talk about.
Praizin' Hands Assembly - Kindness
We were lucky to have the 'Prazin' hands team come in with their puppets to perform an assembly around kindness. This has fitted in brilliantly with our learning around our school rules.
Treehouse Theatre
We were very lucky to have the Treehouse theatre team come in to perform a pirate pantomine. They used the children to help decide how the story would end. The team will come back in to show the children their story ending later in the year.
Space Dome
We started our space topic with an interactive space dome. Inside we were able to be part of an interactive experience where we could explore our solar system. What a great way to start our topic!
Welcome back: We hope you all had a lovely summer holiday. We have loved meeting our new classes and starting our topic, 'SPACE'. If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to ask a member of the team at the class doors.
Please see below for the curriculum downloads.